
This webinar aims to present the current status of the use of algae for aquaculture. Alongside the well-established use of microalgae as part of the live feeds chain in aquaculture hatcheries, there is currently a drive to exploit microalgae in formulated aquatic feeds. There are several challenges to achieve the forecasted sustainable growth of the aquaculture sector. Namely, the urgent need of novel protein and n-3 HUFA sources. Moreover, the aquafeed feed industry is constantly seeking innovative nutritional ingredients that could add value (nutritional or other) to their traditional feeds during sensitive periods of the production cycle or specific situations resulting from farming practices. Although still emerging as an industry, algae biomasses show a great potential in the aquafeed sector.

Webinar programme

Time: 13.00 – 19.00 h (CET)


13.00 Opening

  • Webinar welcome and EABA presentation (5 min) | Jean-Paul Cadoret
  • Aim and framework of this technical webinar by the Chair (5 min) | 
    Jorge Dias – SPAROS LDA, Portugal – intro movie

13.10 Pitch presentations from each participant in a row (1 minute for each participant)

  • Unlocking the potential for microalgae in aquafeed (30 min) | 
    Jorge Dias – SPAROS LDA, Portugal

14.45 The science for aquafeeds– 15 min + 5 Q&A

  • The potential of microalgae and seaweeds in aquafeeds | 
    Luisa Valente – CIIMAR/ICBAS, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Use of Veramaris oil for healthier and more sustainable aquaculture | 
    Ester Santigosa – DSM Nutritional Products, France
  • Exploring the functional components of microalgae for aquafeeds | 
    Kiron Viswanath – Nord University, Norway
  • Positioning algae products as ingredients in commercial aquafeeds | 
    Tiago Aires – AQUASOJA, Portugal
  • The Hidden huge scale of microalgae production in aquaculture |
    Amir Neori – School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel and The Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat, Israel


Industrial case studies – 10 min + 5 Q&A

Open slots for the presentation of latest industrial development of products with potential application in the aquafeeds market

  • Archimed Ricerche – Joseph Lionti  – Innovation in microalgae production for Aquafeed: Archimede Ricerche case story
  • Greensea – Yves Brunel PhD
  • Variconaqua – Jacob Searle
  • Proviron – Luc Roef
  • Tomalgae – Victor Chepurnov & John Benemann
  • The Seaweed Company – Stefan Kraan


18.15 Conclusions and debate | Jorge Dias  SPAROS LDA, Portugal

18.45 Closure | Jean-Paul Cadoret

19.00 End of the webinar

More information:
  • The webinar organization is developed with the support of Building on Events as in 2020.
  • Times are displayed in Central European Time (CET).
  • The webinars will use the Zoom platform provided by EurA (EABA Member).


€ 195 regular
€ 150 for EABA members
50% increase for tickets booked within the last 10 days.

We also offer packages for EABA members and non-members. First you book one webinar and you have the option to upsell with these packages.

For members:

  • Package of 3: € 380
  • Package of 4: € 500
  • Package of 5: € 620
  • Package of 6: € 730
  • Package of 7: € 840

For non members:

  • Package of 3: € 500
  • Package of 4: € 660
  • Package of 5: € 810
  • Package of 6: € 950
  • Package of 7: € 1.090

One invoice and you inform us which webinars you want to attend (the conferences are excluded from the packages). With the packages you can participate in webinars and flash webinars. You can indicate which ones you want to attend and can also send a colleague.

No VAT is charged. Payment per credit card or Ideal. Invoice provided.

When you need an invoice to make a bank transfer, fill out all details in the registration form and send a mail to info@algaeworkshops.org. The invoice can be prepared by the organisers. Please note: all payments have to be made before the start of the webinar.

Click on the button below to register. You’ll be redirected to the registration page https://www.aanmelder.nl/124220. This page will open in a new window.

Jorge Dias (General Manager SPAROS Lda., Portugal)

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Email us at info@algaeworkshops.org, or fill in the form below.