EABA is organizing a new type of webinar on selected topics, with this one focusing on Biorefinery and applications for Rugulopteryx.
We have selected 5 experts to present 7 to 10 minutes each, followed by 1 or 2 questions, and then we conclude with a final debate and conclusions lasting 10 minutes.
EABA is organising the webinar to generate interest in and applications for this invasive species, which is becoming a relevant ecological problem in the Mediterranean and across Macaronesia.
The presentations will cover science, technology, and business aspects of the topic. The final outcome will be an in-depth understanding, in just 60 minutes, of the potential of this specific algae-related topic.
Chair: Gabriel Acien, vice president EABA
Time: 13.50 – 15.00
13:50 Opening, Webinar welcome and EABA presentation
Carlos Unamunzaga
14.00 Potential Applications of Rugulopteryx okamurae Macroalgae
Helena P. Felgueiras, Universidade do Minho
14.10 Comparative analysis of composting methods on the invasive seaweed Rugulopteryx okamura.
Daniel Patón. University of Extremadura
14.20 Cosmeceutical potential applications of Rugulopteryx okamurae
Félix L. Figueroa, Malaga University
14.30 Rugulopteryx okamurae: from invasion to fish foder
Antonio Vizcaino, University of Almeria
14.40 Processing and Characterization of Bioplastics from the Invasive Seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae
Carlos Bengochea Ruiz, Sevilla University
14.50 Debate and Q&A
15.00 End of webinar
Gabriel Acien,
University of Almeria
€ 99,- regular
€ 75,- for EABA members
The fees will be increased 50% five days prior to the event.
No VAT is charged. Payment per credit card or Ideal. Invoice provided.
When you need an invoice to make a bank transfer, fill out all details in the registration form and send a mail to info@algaeworkshops.org. The invoice can be prepared by the organisers. Please note: all payments have to be made before the start of the webinar.
Click on the button below to register. You’ll be redirected to the registration page in a new window.
Please make sure that you use your own e-mail address to obtain the webinar information and Zoom-link in your inbox.