
This webinar will inform you on EC funding calls, currently open and forthcoming, planned  until the end of 2023 and early 2024. 

The calls will be pre-screened as of highest potential interest for EABA members and their related activities.

Aside from Horizon Europe calls, other funding programmes will be targeted and different examples of recently funded projects will be presented.

The Commission adopted the Communication ‘Towards a strong and sustainable EU algae sector, a pioneering initiative to unlock the potential of algae in the European Union. The Communication proposes 23 actions to create opportunities for the industry to help it grow into a robust, sustainable and regenerative sector capable of meeting the growing EU demand. The EU is one of the biggest importers of seaweed products globally, and the demand is expected to reach €9 billion in 2030, especially in food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and energy production. 


Chair: Sandra Moura, EurA and Vitor Verdelho, EABA

Time:  14.00 – 16.30 hrs CET

14.00 Welcome and EABA presentation by Carlos Unamunzaga, EABA president

14.10 Who-is-who round: intro of participants, 30 seconds pitch talk for each participant on alphabetic order without slides

14.20 EC funding opportunities for EABA members, Sandra Moura, Head of Innovation Funding EurA AG, Portugal

15.05 Baltic MUPPETS project, I3 Programme: Annette Heiss, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG, Germany

15.20 Mini break

15.30 ULVA Farm, Simon Johansson, Nordic SeaFarm, Sweden

15.45 EU4Algae and EU Algae Initiative, Laura Maragna, Coordinator EU4Algae, Portugal

16.10 Q&A and debate

16.30 End of webinar


Sandra Moura, EurA

€ 210,- regular
€ 160,- for EABA members

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