IT WAS GREAT!!! THANK FOR ATTENDING!!! 80 people did!!
You are currently doing your PhD/Post Doctoral research or working on a company project with seaweeds and/or microalgae ? So you are considered as a “Young Algaeneers” ! Congratulations ! As Young Algaeneers, you are welcome to attend the 6th edition of the Young Algaeneers Symposium (YAS 2022), held on 13, 14 & 15 June 2022 (online!).
YAS event consists of the global networking and sharing of algae-based research, development, and innovations among the Young Algaeneers. The essence of the symposium lies in the fact that it is organized BY & FOR the Young Algaeneers. It will NOT ONLY be scientific expert presentations, but also include testimonials from business leaders, interactive discussions involving individual participation in the topic of interest with steering groups, social events, etc. The voice raised by Young Algaeneers in the YAS is further communicated to higher organizations such as EABA and European Commission. Thus, let’s come together to better shape the future directions of algae in research and industry.”
Following the previous ‘Young Algaeneers Symposia’ (YAS) in Wageningen 2012, Montpellier 2014, Malta 2016, and Oban 2018, and the first online YAS 2021, YAS 2022 will be organized with the support of the European Algae Biomass Association (EABA).
EABA expresses the importance of connecting with the young algaeneers, and invites you to join and meet them on June 15. It is very relevant to bring together the main stakeholders for knowledge exchange and collaboration and to learn from others.
Who is a Young Algaeneer?
A young researcher wishing to take a future role in the Algae Biomass sector, and at the EABA in the longer term. This includes:
• The symposium organization is developed by Young Algaeneers with the support of EABA and Building on Events.• Times are displayed in Central European Time (CET).
• The symposium will use the Zoom platform provided by EurA (EABA Member).
Arianna RIZZO, PhD student (Nantes University (F), Mario Negri Institute (I), University of Bari (I), University of Copenhagen (DK), University of Cambridge (UK), Start-up in Hoekmine (NL)
Sanjaya LAMA, PhD student (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Natalia CASTEJON, (Universität Wien, Austria)
Léa VERNES, PhD (Algama, France)
32 Posters were delivered. You can watch them on VIMEO: Password: “YAS2022”
The guidelines for a virtual poster presentation during YAS 2022 were: Abstracts should be a single paragraph of text with no more than 250 words, and posters should consist of 4-5 PowerPoint slides pre-recorded with your voice and/or video during 2m30 maximum. Two poster sessions are planned during YAS 2022 so that all Young Algaeneers will be able to listen to your work. Posters will also be accessible online to all participants in an informal environment during the social event. Abstracts will be made available to all participants in the conference booklet. The deadline for abstract submission is postponed to June 6th!
You can download the template here and submit your abstract by e-mailing it to and”
A glimpse of the speakers:
• Vítor Verdelho, Global algae market and main challenge of the algae sector in Europe
• Jean-François Sassi, Process/Biorefinery
• Olaf Kruse, Synthetic Biology
• Olivier Bernard, Strain selection/improvement – Production
• Alvyn Severien, Algama, food
• Andrew Spicer, Algenuity, strain selection
• Carlos Unamunzaga, Example from a company (case study): how to candidate to a novel food?
Follow the YAS community also here:
Here are the links to the YAS LinkedIn/Twitter:
Chair: Léa Vernès, Lead Researcher in Microalgae Technology, ALGAMA
This sixt edition is a symposium designed and organised by young scientists for young scientists. The third day, June 15, they welcome Non Young Algaeneers to join and meet them.
The fees for this symposium are:
• Non-Young Algaeneers and Non-EABA Members can participate in the Symposium (only) on June 15. The fee is € 125 (one day programme, June 15)
• EABA members can participate in the Symposium (only) on June 15.
The fee is € 95 (one day programme, June 15)
• Young Algaeneers; your fee is € 105 (three day programme, June 13, 14 and 15)
The fees will be increased 50% five days prior to the symposium.
EABA members make use of the reduced membership rate. First click Yes I am a member and your membership number will be shown, if not please use your membership number as found on your EABA invoice in the registration form to obtain the reduced fee. When you are interested to become a member, please ask for more info:
No VAT is charged. Payment per credit card or Ideal. Invoice provided.
When you need an invoice to make a bank transfer, fill out all details in the registration form and send a mail to The invoice can be prepared by the organisers. Please note: all payments have to be made before the start of the webinar.
Click on the button below to register. You’ll be redirected to the registration page This page will open in a new window.
Please make sure that you use your own e-mail address to obtain the webinar information and Zoomdetails in your inbox.
Box of seaweed products for the best poster: