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What our participants say...


The European Algae Biomass Association (EABA) aims to promote a strong link between science, technology and business in the algae biomass sector.  It is very relevant to bring together the main stakeholders for knowledge exchange and collaboration. 

The workshop has a compact format with a panel- based organization. 

Each panel has a specific topic and a duration of approximately 1 hour with  presentations and discussion time. All the participants will have the opportunity to present and ask questions following the workshop format. There will be minutes or summary from the event with the key conclusions for each panel.


September 3

16:00 Introduction of all participants – dry run to test audio and video


September 4

09:30 Welcome and EABA Presentation. Why this technical webinar?
Jean Paul Cadoret – EABA President and CSO Algama Foods

09:40 Opening presentation
All about Phycocyanin from microalgae by the webinar chair Sammy Boussiba, Vice-President of EABA, Ben Gurion University, Israel. Leading world expert in microalgae biotechnologies.

10:10 Who are you: Pitch presentations (2 min) from each participant(the objective is that all the participants know who are the others and what they do)

11:00 Coffee break and time for a short walk

11:20 Who are you: Pitch presentations – Part 2

12:40 The regulatory framework for phycocyanin – the perspective from EFSA
Hans Verhagen – University of Ulster, Northern Ireland & EFSA

13:00 Lunch break  – Opportunity for networking – time for a walk and some food

14:00 Production perspective

  • The new Algavista Phycocyanin from Parry partnership – Amit Satyen Ravi (India) 
  • Fermentalg Phycocyanin from Galdieria sulfurariaOlivier Cagnac (France)
  • Powder form Phycocyanin is a better solution for long term storage than liquid form -Phyco-Biotech – Nicolas Jouy (France) 
  • From production to applications – Elena Leeb, GNT Group (Germany) –

Coffee-break – Opportunity for networking in chat

15:40 The applications and innovations

  • Phycocyanin for Health, scientific data for the development of new products –
    Olivier Lepine (France)
  • Purification of Phycocyanin using membrane chromatography – Rosaria Lauceri (Italy)
  • Innovative extraction methods for Phycocyanin – Baruch Dach (Israel)
  • Phycocyanin in the framework of algal biorefinery – developments in SpiralG project – Monique Ras (France) 
  • Market report presentation – Meticulous Research – Apoorva Deshpande (India)

Workshop closure and conclusions, 
Jean-Paul Cadoret (France)

17:40 End of this technical webinar

Please note: times are displayed in Central European Time (CET) UTC+2.

Sammy Boussiba


Wish list definition of research needs
Regulatory needs statement formulation
Wish list for EABA actions related activities
Identification of emerging trends

More information

This workshop model was successfully used in 6 EABA Workshops in 2019. It is not a conference, but rather a unique opportunity for learning and sharing knowing the key players.


Workshop Chair:

Prof. Sammy Boussiba, Vice-President of EABA, Ben Gurion University, Israel. Leading world expert in microalgae biotechnologies.

Workshop coordination:

  • Jean-Paul Cadoret – President of EABA, CSO ALGAMA FOODS, France
  • Vítor Verdelho – General Manager of EABA; Council Member of the Executive Committee of ISAP – International Society for Applied Phycology; Member of the Board A4F – Algae for Future, sa, Portugal

Workshop organization and logistics:

Christie de Vrij – Building on Events –

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