EABA is organizing a new type of webinars on selected topics being the first one on Polysaccharides & Porphyridium. Porphyridium and polysaccharides extracted from Porphyridium are among the most researched substances from micro-algae (Porphyridium AND Polysaccharide = 6.310 references in Google Scholar 2022.03.20). The idea is to have experts presenting 5 x in 7 to 10 minutes followed by 1 or 2 questions and a final debate and conclusions of 10 to 15 minutes.
EABA tries to find a member aiming to sponsor the webinar and provide a start speech presentation that will be the company Yemoja. The different presentations will cover science, technology and business. The final outcome will be an intense understanding about the potential for a specific algae related topic. Algae polysaccharides are very diverse and this webinar we will explore the current research and usages (Cyanobacteria AND Polysaccharide = 2.150 references in Google Scholar 2022.03.20 while Seaweed AND Polysaccharide = 1.900 references in Google Scholar 2022.03.20).
Porphyrydium and polysaccharides extracted from Porphyrydium are among the most researched substances from micro-algae. Through out the years, polysaccharides from Porphyridium are suggested to play a role in almost any segment: cosmetics, food and even medical. Today, Porphyridium polysaccharide is being incorporated as an active ingredient by some of the top cosmetic companies in the world thanks to its anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. Its rheologic and gel-like characteristics making porphyridium polysaccharide a great candidate for joint lubricant, tissue filler and drag reducer. The plethora of research that is being done in order to further elucidate the full potential of the polysaccharide is part of the understanding that this substance, among many others, is capable of playing a role as bioactive ingredient in numerous applications.
In this webinar we will explore the current research and usages of porphyridium polysaccharides, their role in the different industries and the future plans for this substance.
Time: 14.00 – 15.00 CET
14.00 Opening
Webinar welcome and EABA presentation (1 min): Aim and framework of this 60 minute webinar
14.00 Commercial scale Porphyridum polysaccharides (10 min)
14.10 Algal Polysaccharides in a nutshell (10 min)
14.20 Algae polysaccharides: Cyanobacteria x Rodophytes (10 min)
14.30 Algae polysaccharides; Chlorophytes x Rodophytes (10 min)
14.40 Regulatory contraints for algal polysaccharides for food and cosmetics (10 min)
14.50 Debate and Q&A
15.00 End of webinar
Yemoja – Amikam Bar-Gil
Fees: Regular: € 98, EABA members: €70.
The fees will be increased 50% five days prior to the webinar.
No VAT is charged. Payment per credit card or Ideal. Invoice provided.
When you need an invoice to make a bank transfer, fill out all details in the registration form and send a mail to info@algaeworkshops.org. The invoice can be prepared by the organisers. Please note: all payments have to be made before the start of the webinar.
Click on the button below to register. You’ll be redirected to the registration page https://www.aanmelder.nl/131963/subscribe. This page will open in a new window.
Please make sure that you use your own e-mail address to obtain the webinar information and Zoomdetails in your inbox.